The Yoga of Parenting
Friday, January 6, 2023
Service Description
Learn more about the Education for Life approach and how the ancient teachings of yoga can be applied today in your life as a parent! In this intro workshop we'll cover: ❇️ how and why the teaching of yoga can help you as a parent ❇️ practical tips to help you parent with greater awareness and joy ❇️ keys to remaining calm and flexible in every circumstance Enjoy this opportunity to connect with other parents and get inspired to continue your journey toward more conscious parenting! This workshop will include: ❇️ a short centering practice to relax ❇️ a chance to meet and connect with other parents ❇️ interactive and experiential activities, guided reflection and discussion
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
2171 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA